The six essentials for getting the result
Your Email Marketing list must be categorized according to different types of customers. Each customer is a human with different and specific needs and wants.
Once you segment these contacts according to what they need, it will allow you to send the proper email to the proper contact.
Personalizing your email to a certain group of contacts will allow you to give that contact what they are looking for rather than just annoying that person. Also, the more personalized the email, the higher your open rate will reflect.
Compelling Subject
The battle for your reader's attention is won and lost in the subject line, Craft a subject line that telegraphs the content of the main message and ensures real value if our readers open the email.
Make it personal
Nobody wants to read an email that feels like it's been sent to a hundred people. Use dynamic content to customize the greetings of your emails to make them feel more personal.
To the point.
The first few lines are not the place to be long-winded or indirect. Our readers want us to get the point fast so they can decide if they will read on or not.
One Message
Email readers have short attention spans long enough to digest one message, no more. If we need to convey more than one message. Create a separate email for each one, The more simple our email, the better result.
Present value
Make sure the value we are presenting to our readers is explicitly stated. Always lay out the benefits of taking action at the conclusion of our email. This works best if placed directly before our call to action
Do not rely on our readers to know what to do. Provide a clear call-to-action in the body of our message to direct users to sign up, register, download, etc...